Geertjan --

   Thank you very much for your lightning reply!

   I am a veteran (but amateur) FX person, and thus am ashamed to admit that I 
tried to do that in Netbeans and was not able to make it happen.   The default 
starting point gives me packages "Source Packages" and  "<default package>.  I 
tried to create both a new folder and a new package under each of these, and 
the response in the "Created Folder" textfield is 
"...[ProjectName]\src\main\java\[new name].  

   This leads me to believe that somewhere there actually is a \src\main\ 
somewhere, but it seems to be out of my reach.  I think there must be something 
obvious that I am missing.

   -- Chris

----- Original Message -----
From: Geertjan Wielenga <>
To: Chris Olsen <>
Sent: Sat, 07 Mar 2020 11:23:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: No /src/main/resources generated

Just create it manually if the Gluon archetype doesn’t create that folder


On Sat, 7 Mar 2020 at 17:21, Chris Olsen <> wrote:

> Hello, Everyone --
>   In anticipation of impending Java 14 I have downloaded AdoptOpen version
> of Java 13, Netbeans 11.3 (Thank you for all your work!!),  and the FX
> stuff at  I am also starting out moving from Ant to Maven.
> (All this together is a big step for me, but I have two weeks of spring
> break to focus on learning how to do this.)
>   When I create a JavaFX project and select "Simple Java FX Maven
> Archetype (Gluon)," I am not getting a default "Other Resources" folder or
> a "/src/main/resources," anywhere; I am expecting to see something along
> these lines based on what I have found online.
> Thus, my attempt at migrating an old FX program compiles but fails b/c it
> is not finding my resources, formerly and currently in a package named
> css.
>    I have tried editing the POM file based on what I found online, but
> have not been successful with that attempt either.
>   I am thinking that I may not be choosing the correct options in
> Netbeans.  I have tried three or four different chains of Netbeans options,
> but to no avail.  I am not using FXML.
>   Can anyone offer a clue about what I might be doing or not doing, or a
> URL that is authoritative?
>   Thanks in advance!
>   -- Chris
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