
I've just checked out the mentioned library. It is on version 11.32 (the hansolo lib, not NetBeans). It works if you delete the TestLauncher.java from the eu.hansolo.tilesfx package. I think the maintainer of the code was a bit loose when he made that release.

If you check the TilesFXTest, it reports similar issues you've mention, because NetBeans treats that sourceset as a non-modular one due to the lack of module-info.java

Maybe we shall treat the whole project modular even if just the main sourceset has module-info.java (even that is technically incorrect).

On 3/15/20 5:31 AM, Jonathan Bergh wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to compile a third party library using NB 11.3 and built in Gradle supports. Project specifications are:

1) NB 11.3 running on Amazon Corretto JDK 11.02
2) Gradle options (Standard Gradle version 6.2.2) - Use wrapper preferred
3) OpenJFX11.02 installed to /Program Files/Java/OpenJFX11
4) ENV var PATH_TO_FX= /Program Files/Java/OpenJFX11/lib
5) Platform JDK for project is JDK11.02 (default JDK)

In Project configuration
1) Source/Binary format = 11
2) Build -> Compile = JDK 11 (Default)

I am getting *Package javafx.animation is declared in the unnamed module, but module ajafx.animation does not read it. *
*I have looked at various Stackoverflow pages, see *https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52652340/package-x-is-declared-in-the-unnamed-module-but-module-x-does-not-read-it?noredirect=1&lq=1 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51987518/javafx-deployment-library-not-found-in-active-jdk but I cant see where to add the module-path to the compiler options. There are none in the Project properties dialogue.

This is pure cloned project from Github (https://github.com/HanSolo/tilesfx) so was expecting it to work out of the box?

Can someone assist as to how to solve this?

Thanks very much in advance

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