Java has been supporting providing a classpath with a wildcard for quite some 
time now, e.g.:

   java -cp libs/* com.package.MyClass

which is really usefull especially if you are using libraries with version 

However in an Ant based project in NetBeans, it's not possible to define such a 

My project uses dynamic classes resolved at runtime (not at compile time) and for that it 
would be really helpful if it was possible to add such a classpath entry to the project 
libraries ("Run" Classpath)

It seems the Ant script can cope with this.

If I add the directory through the UI, NetBeans generates a file reference in using e.g. "../foo/lib"
When I change that manually to read "../foo/lib/*" then it seems to work. 
Unfortunately NetBeans keeps a copy of that entry in private/ and 
complains about a missing reference if the entry in ends with a * 
(even when the one in and are identical) which is a 
bit annyoing.

I wonder if there is any Ant target I can override in my own build script to add the 
"dynamic" directory to the run classpath without having NetBeans complaining 
about missing references all the time.

Ideally, the project UI would allow for adding such an entry.

This applies to 11.2 and 12-beta3 the same.


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