Hi Peter,

Probably more a Slack global "feature" on invitation link that had expired.
Once an invitation is sent, it is not link to a user.

Anyone on both Slack and this list here?
Could it be possible to send a fresh invitation link, please?

On Fri, 15 May 2020 at 11:08, Peter Steele <steeleh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Probably because the person who created the original invite is not on
> slack anymore.
> That is one thing discord is much better at
> On Fri, 15 May 2020, 09:48 zeugme, <zeugme...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to join Slack chan mentioned here, but the link is deprecated.
>> https://netbeans.apache.org/community/mailing-lists.html
>> This doc page use this link that, in turn, lead to a deprecated link:
>> https://tinyurl.com/netbeans-slack-signup
>> The full deprecated link underneath is here:
>> https://netbeans.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtMzcyNzM5MjYwMDUxLTg1YmVkMWUxYzlhMTE3NzRiMTM4N2E0Yjc5MDdkYzZkM2Q5ZjI5ZTE5NmE3MTZmNTJlYjBmMGFhOTQwNTM2YmQ
>> Any idea ?
>> Thanks !

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