I had previously reported issues with native packaging on 12/0 beta 3 – see 

If one applies the same fix as reported there (Change netbeans.conf to point to 
a JDK 1.8 installation home) I can report that for a suitable Ant java project 
I can successfully clean build and package for Mac OS X as a .dmg and then drag 
the application from the .dmg to “Applications” and then run the application 
all successfully.

The application is quite complex, uses Maven sub-projects, postgresql and much 
else so this is a good test.

Note that I have an installed Apple developer ID which I think is a requirement 
for this to work.

Thanks to whoever fixed this.

Note that for a Maven project there would seem to be no “Packaging” option on 
Properties/Build.  I guess this would be a post 12.0 feature request.  Does 
anyone know a work around?  I’m investigating javapackager see  
https://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/tools/javapackager.htm#JSWOR719 that can take 
the output of my Maven projects.  I would then no longer have to use Ant at all.



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