It looks like the issue has been fixed in Windows!. I've tried both
Netbeans 11.3 & 12.0-beta4 with three different java versions (11.02,
11.04, 14). Each of the six combinations showed the project's Diff to HEAD
empty. The Windows build here is 18363.778.

On a side note: I installed the released version 1.0 of Windows Terminal.
In PowerShell git status is nothing to commit. In WSL/Ubuntu, however, it
shows multiple files as changed. With the same version of Ubuntu in a
Hyper-V VM on this machine git status is nothing to commit. So the issue
has moved from Netbeans to Windows. Oh what fun!


On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 12:07 AM Peter Hull <> wrote:

> On Sat, 16 May 2020 at 22:29, George Brooks <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Looks like the pull request was closed without incorporation. 12.0-beta4
> remains at 5.5.0.
> >
> Closed because there was a later PR to update JGit all the way to
> 5.7.x. That's to fix another issue but it will solve this one as well.
> Why it's not been merged, I can't say.
> Pete

George W Brooks
Truckee Solutions

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