Hello everyone!

Title says it.

I'm working on a PHP project in Netbeans 11.3 that has 3 classes in their
own files that act like autoloaders for activation/deactivation/deletion

All 3 function properly, but within Netbeans, the "/class-uninstaller.php"
file shows the red exclamation with a "Error parsing file" message.

There is no error. It has to do with "uninstaller" being in the name.

I can rename the file "class-uninstall.php", "class-uninstaller2.php", or
any other variation and the error goes away instantly. Rename it back to
"class-uninstaller.php" and the red error is back instantly.

Like I said, the code works perfectly and there is no actual error. I'm
looking for a way to get rid of that false error message. It has more to do
with personal preference, of not seeing the red error message unless
there's actually an error.

My option for now is to just rename them to "class-install",
"class-upgrade", "class-uninstall", so they match....but then these 3 are
oddly named from the rest of the project, and all just to get rid of a
false error message in my IDE!

Anyone else experience this or have a solution besides renaming my files?

Thanks for your time!


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