I've recently find out that the web folder is not a real SourceGroup in NetBeans terms, so that could be the cause of that issue. You can file a JITA ticket on that, hopefully it would be resolved with 12.1 release.

On 5/21/20 11:20 AM, Connor Cook wrote:
Hello all,

I am using Netbeans 11.2, trying to debug a Gradle web application, using Tomcat 8.5. I am using the Gradle WAR plugin, and a WAR file is generated that I can deploy to Tomcat successfully. The site works correctly, all JSPs are run. I am able to submit and hit a breakpoint in my Java classes, but when I try to submit a breakpoint in a JSP I see `Not able to submit breakpoint JspLineBreakpoint file:/C:/project/src/main/webapp/some.jsp : 100, reason: No source root found for URL 'file:/C:/project/src/main/webapp/some.jsp'. Verify the setup of project sources.`.

I have tried adding 'C:/project/src/main/webapp' to my debugging sources, and this allows me to place a breakpoint in the JSP, but it is never hit. I don't see a way to add 'C:/project/src/main/webapp' to the project's sources, as when I right-click on the project and go to 'Properties' and then 'Sources' I am brought to an uneditable page, where I see only 'src/main/java' and 'src/main/resources'.

My main question is in the title, that is 'are breakpoints in JSPs supported in Gradle web applications?' If they are, what do I need to do to get them working for my project?



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