On 5/13/20 9:03 AM, Bayless Kirtley wrote:
I'm still getting multiple error messages whenever I run a Java project under Netbeans 11.1 on Linux Mint 19.3, OpenJDK 8. These are samples of the messages.

(java:3065): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 08:52:31.588: ../../../../gobject/gsignal.c:1253: unable to lookup signal "window-state-event" of unloaded type 'GtkWidget'

(java:3065): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 08:52:31.588: g_signal_add_emission_hook: assertion 'signal_id > 0' failed

(java:3065): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: 08:52:33.532: invalid cast from 'GtkToplevelAccessible' to 'JawToplevel'

That last one repeats over and over. I have never knowingly used GLib, GtkWidget or JawTopLevel. What is going on here?



Swing/AWT/JavaFX aren't magically cross-platform: they have to do basic integration with each underlying platform's UI API. GLib/GTKGtkWidget are a dependency/component of GTK. GTK is the major Linux UI API used by various desktops and applications.

What seems to be happening here is that something broke in that integration layer(bindings), which allow Java to communicate with GTK, is broken somehow. What I don't understand is why it's only happening when running a project, Netbeans probably shouldn't be running either.

I wonder, did you install updates without rebooting? That tends to introduce issues like this.

Otherwise it might be Linux distros packaging something wrong, as others have suggested. Maybe try installing and using Java 11 instead?

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