Thank you very much for the info. You made me realize that I can change the jdk 
version NetBeans runs on, without having to change my local jdk, or the jdk I 
build projects with.


I downloaded jdk-14 and pointed “netbeans_jdkhome” in netbeans.conf to this 
jdk-14 distro and now checking for plugins works. I receive no certificate 
errors, and plugins are installable.


So either NB 12 has problems in this area when running on JDK8, or there’s an 
issue with my local version of JDK8.


Thanks again


From: Fred Welland <> 
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 3:20 PM
To: Jordan Conner <>
Subject: Re: NetBeans 12 Distribution URL Certificate


It's funny and a round about way on how I got to NB12 and JDK14.


My remote situation is just easier if I RDC -- so my fedora workstation runs 
XRDP.     To conserve bandwidth I generally run my rdc client (remmina on F31 
laptop) in 16 bit color depth.     


Many/Most Java/Swing like programs; including NB 10,11,12;  running under JDK > 
8  would draw empty windows (running on my workstation in xrdp, but displaying 
on my laptop via remmina; also true in rare cases where I actually use Windows 
RDC client to my F31 workstation).   


Anyway, when NB 12 dropped a few weeks ago, I had thought I read somewhere that 
it would run under JDK 8 but recommended a newer JDK, I even thought there were 
words somewhere saying JDK14 is recommended. I fiddled with lots of JAVA_OPTs tweaking gui stuff (gtk, dpiaware, 
java2d, etc) -- nothing.   Long story short, I happened to reconnect to my 
workstation but UPPED the color depth from 16 to 24bits....and then NB 12 (w/o 
java_opt tweaks) started to draw using JDK14....  


So does NB12 officially run under JDK8 -- no idea.   That said, I did observe 
NB12 running seemingly fine under jdk8 -- but didn't really use that config as 
a daily driver once I got NB12 + JDK14 rolling ok.    FWIW:   I routinely run 
builds from NB12 -- all gradle -- using JDK 8 as a configured JDK platform -- I 
have a few JDK11 gradle builds too.   




On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 2:15 PM Jordan Conner < 
<> > wrote:

Thank you for the reply. I am not behind any http proxies. Interesting point 
about the JDK version you use with NB 12. Does NB 12 support JDK 8? I looked 
around but don’t see any information on that. Am I missing something obvious?




From: Fred Welland < <> > 
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 1:49 PM
To: Jordan Conner < 
<> >
Cc: <> 
Subject: Re: NetBeans 12 Distribution URL Certificate


Are you behind a DLP http proxy?    I am and the DLP I am behind messes with 
HTTPS traffic and certs. 


I've had to import a trusted cert at system level (also Fedora 31, but running 
selinux and firewalld).   


A few java programs I've run had this problem; just had this with JMeter a week 
or so ago.  I used keytool to import my DLP cert and the issue went away  


That said,  I am running NB 12 under JDK 14, and don't recall this with NB12; 
when I started using it a couple of weeks ago  (and don't' recall importing my 
DLP cert into my JDK14 install). 






On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 1:15 PM Jordan Conner < 
<> > wrote:



Excited to try out NetBeans 12. I’ve downloaded the latest LTS release this 


When selecting the ‘Check for Updates’ under Plugins menu I am receiving this 



Unable to connect to the NetBeans Distribution because of PKIX path building failed: unable to find 
valid certification path to requested target


The URL under 
Settings for my “NetBeans Distribution” portal works fine in the browser. I can 
download the .gz file no problem.


The same cert issue occurs with the NetBeans Plugin Portal.



My environment:

Fedora 31 - SELinux disabled, stopped firewalld

java version "1.8.0_45"



The only thing I’ve tried, is importing * <>  .pem 
certificate into cacerts.


Is there a way to gather more information from the exception? I am behind a 
company firewall, but I figured if the URL worked in the browser then I’d be 
fine there. Also, checking for updates/plugins works fine in Netbeans 10, and 


Does anyone know what the issue may be?


Thank you





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