People might be able to help you better with some more info:
* What build system are you using? If gradle, does your project get
recognized as a web app by netbeans (IIRC it's the green gradle icon
with a small blue world)?
* Are you doing this in the Projects Panel or the Files Panel
* When you right click an empty space in the Projects panel -> View
Java packages as....  Which option is selected? (List, tree, reduced
* Does your new package have any java files in it? Can you try
creating a new Java class specifying the new package (even if you
didn't explicitly create the package beforehand)?

On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 12:19 AM Mauro Chi <> wrote:
> If into nb12 on win10 with jdk 1.8 you try to create a new package or sub 
> package for a web app java with right click on source folder java, the new 
> created package appair with a icon like a simple dir and nb not detect the 
> new package like package


-Juan Algaba

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