I used to use Ant projects with NetBeans extensively.  If I have project A uses 
project B and change a line of the code in project B then when I build or debug 
project A, Ant automatically recompiles B first and then A.  This works well 
with complex project structures such as A uses B which uses C.  However, I 
cannot see a way to achieve the same effect with Maven projects.

I have recently moved many projects to Maven on NetBeans 12.0 because servlet 
deployment and debugging works with Maven projects but not with Ant projects.  
However, not having automatic recompilation of referenced projects causes pain !

I have installed the nb-javac Java editing support library plugin but this does 
not seem to have enabled “Compile on Save” even though I have restarted 
NetBeans and also selected “Compile on Save” on the project’s properties.
Can anyone offer advice as to how to achieve my goal of Maven automatically 
recompiling changed dependent projects ?  Does anyone have compile on save 
working ?


David Gradwell

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