
I think this recipe deserves a small tutorial on our website.

We're currently under an Apache-wide migration of Jenkins that is stopping our web-site publishing job. Maybe within a few days we can set up a small page with this.

Kind regards,

El 24/7/20 a las 21:02, Greg Bullock escribió:
Thank you for posting this.

Trying it just now, the .zip file does not have a \javahelp-2.0_05\binary folder.

Hoping to build the jhall.jar, I

 1. downloaded the source from github.com/javaee/javahelp. and
 2. in a CentOS 7 virtual machine (since my Windows 10 machine doesn't
    have the required build tools) I ran make from the
    javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster folder.

This eventually gives a set of errors.  Alas, I'm too much of a noob in both Linux and Java to figure out what to try next.

Maybe someone here will have a suggestion.

[greg@localhost NetBeansProjects]$ cd javahelp-2.0_05/
[greg@localhost javahelp-2.0_05]$ ls
javahelp_nbproject  jhMaster  JSearchClient_nbproject JSearchIndexer_nbproject  README.ant
[greg@localhost javahelp-2.0_05]$ cd jhMaster/
[greg@localhost jhMaster]$ make
java -fullversion
openjdk full version "1.8.0_242-b07"
cd JSearch ; make all
make[1]: Entering directory `/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch'
mkdir -p lib
cd misc ; make JHHOMEWS=/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp jar make[2]: Entering directory `/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/misc' javac -d classes -classpath ../../JavaHelp/src/impl:../../JavaHelp/src/new /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/search/ConfigFile.java Note: /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/search/ConfigFile.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
javac -d classes -classpath ../../JavaHelp/src/impl:../../JavaHelp/src/new /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/search/IndexBuilder.java javac -d classes -classpath ../../JavaHelp/src/impl:../../JavaHelp/src/new /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/search/IndexerKit.java Note: ../../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/search/ConfigFile.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
javac -d classes -classpath ../../JavaHelp/src/impl:../../JavaHelp/src/new /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/search/SearchEngine.java Note: ../../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/search/SearchQuery.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
make[2]: Warning: File `classes/javax/help/search/SearchEvent.class' has modification time 0.0092 s in the future javac -d classes -classpath ../../JavaHelp/src/impl:../../JavaHelp/src/new /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/src/impl/com/sun/java/help/impl/HeaderParser.java javac -d classes -classpath ../../JavaHelp/src/impl:../../JavaHelp/src/new /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/HelpUtilities.java Note: /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/src/new/javax/help/HelpUtilities.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
cd classes ; \
     jar cf ../../lib/jsearch-misc.jar javax com
make[2]: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/misc'
cd client ; make jar
make[2]: Entering directory `/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/client'
mkdir classes
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/BitBuffer.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/Block.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/BlockFactory.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/BlockManager.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/BtreeDict.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/ByteArrayDecompressor.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/Compressor.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/ConceptData.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/ConceptGroupGenerator.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/DefaultSearchEngine.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/Entry.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/EntryProcessor.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/LiteMorph_en.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
make[2]: Warning: File `classes/./com/sun/java/help/search/Rule.class' has modification time 0.025 s in the future
cd classes ; \
     jar cf ../../lib/jsearch-client.jar com
make[2]: warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/client'
cd indexer ; make jar
make[2]: Entering directory `/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/indexer'
mkdir classes
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:../lib/jsearch-client.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/BtreeDictCompactor.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:../lib/jsearch-client.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/ChangedCharSetException.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:../lib/jsearch-client.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/DefaultIndexBuilder.java
Note: com/sun/java/help/search/DefaultIndexBuilder.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:../lib/jsearch-client.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/DefaultIndexerKit.java
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:../lib/jsearch-client.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/HTMLIndexerKit.java
Note: com/sun/java/help/search/HTMLIndexerKit.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:../lib/jsearch-client.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/Indexer.java
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
export CLASSPATH ; CLASSPATH=../lib/jsearch-misc.jar:../lib/jsearch-client.jar:. ; \
     javac -d classes com/sun/java/help/search/PlainTextIndexerKit.java
cd classes ; \
     jar cf ../../lib/jsearch-indexer.jar com
make[2]: Leaving directory `/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/indexer'
/bin/csh -f jarinto FORCE lib/jsearch.jar \
         lib/jsearch-client.jar lib/jsearch-indexer.jar lib/jsearch-misc.jar
/bin/rm: No match.
extracting /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/lib/jsearch-client.jar extracting /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/lib/jsearch-indexer.jar extracting /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/lib/jsearch-misc.jar creating /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/lib/jsearch.jar
chmod a+x jhindexer
chmod a+x jhsearch
mkdir -p demos/holidays
cd demos/holidays ; export to ; to=`pwd` ; \
    cd /media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch/../JavaHelp/demos/hs/holidays ; \
     tar cFFf - hol | ( cd ${to} ; tar xvf - )
tar: Old option `f' requires an argument.
Try `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
make[1]: *** [demos/holidays] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/media/sf_Documents/NetBeansProjects/javahelp-2.0_05/jhMaster/JSearch'
make: *** [all] Error 2
[greg@localhost jhMaster]$


On 3/17/2020 10:34 AM, Jean-Claude Dauphin wrote:


I am not sure it is the right way to do it but here is how I included JavaHelp in my application suite to migrate it from NetBeans 8.2 to NetBeans 11.3.

1)Downloaded JavaHelp from https://github.com/javaee/javahelp/releases

2)Unzipped the file

3)Added the jhall.jar as a wrapped jar into the modules that use JavaHelp

(from \javahelp-2.0_05\binary\javahelp-2_0_05\jh2.0\javahelp\lib folder)

4)To avoid the error message “/You must set 'jhall.jar' (e.g. in private.properties) to the location of jsearch.jar from a JavaHelp distribution/” I checked the file issuing this error message


  <target name="javahelp" depends="init" if="has.javahelp">

        <!-- Similar to projectized.xml but does not fiddle with usersguide/.../ide.css, and finds jhall.jar differently: -->

        <property name="jhall.jar" location="${harness.dir}/antlib/jsearch-2.0_05.jar"/>

        <available property="jhall.jar.exists" file="${jhall.jar}"/>

        <fail unless="jhall.jar.exists">You must set 'jhall.jar' (e.g. in private.properties) to the location of jsearch.jar from a JavaHelp distribution</fail>

        <mkdir dir="${build.javahelp.dir}/${javahelp.base}/${javahelp.search}"/>

        <copy todir="${build.javahelp.dir}">


Then I copied jsearch.jar into NetBeans-11.3\netbeans\harness\antlib and renamed it jsearch-2.0_05.jar

I am pretty sure this is not the right method but it worked for me

Best wishes,


On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 2:25 PM Geertjan Wielenga <geert...@apache.org <mailto:geert...@apache.org>> wrote:

    JavaHelp is not included in Apache NetBeans GitHub because it is
    GPL licensed, which is against Apache policy, and therefore is
    also not part of Apache NetBeans, it never has been and never will
    be unless it is licensed, which seems unlikely to happen. It is
    something you'll need to add yourself somehow -- someone who
    figures out how should share that with this mailing list.


Jean-Claude Dauphin

jc.daup...@gmail.com <mailto:jc.daup...@gmail.com>

Greg Bullock
NorthWest Research Associates
301 Webster St.
Monterey, CA  93940
(831) 582-4907

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