Hi all,

I need functionality in Netbeans to find dead code. Andy ideas about a plugin?

I have found


but it is outdated and I can not find the source code. Maybe this plugin can 

@Geertjan have you saved this code somewhere?

In concrete we have a java library project which is a Wrapper to a c++ native 
lib. To create a 
platform independent jar-file we want to add the native code build for several 
systems into the the jar. 

We found that the


project includes great code to do this but the code is part of a big project. 
Not the state is 
that we have a copy a subset of the classes which seems to be needed into our 
project. But 
most of this code is not needed. There are too many classes/methods we have now 
to check 
if they are really needed. Thats why we need a tool in the Netbeans IDE to 
automatize this.

best regards

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