
On Tue, 6 Oct 2020, 10:02 Pete Whelpton, <> wrote:

> Hi Som,
> Are you creating a Maven Web project?  If so, it could be this issue (a
> conflict between the Maven Web project type and the Payara Micro
> Application project type):
> If it is this issue, you can work around it to some degree by:
> * Open Project Properties -> Actions -> Run Project
> * Add netbeans.deploy=true as a property of Run Project action
> * Save and close the dialog
> * Re-Open the Project Properties dialog and try amending / saving the
> relative path again, hopefully it should work this time.
> Hope that helps,
> P
> On Tue, Oct 6, 2020 at 5:05 AM Som Lima <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Netbeans 12.1
>> This bug as described appears to be still outstanding.
>> I have found one work around which is to pass  full url argument to the
>> browser in the tools - options setting.
>> Is there is any other fixes for the relative url value not saving which
>> results in a 404.
>> i.e. web.xml  or some other  manual project or glassfish  admin server
>> configuration.
>> Thanks
>> Som

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