Not sure if this is a Maven or a NetBeans issue/feature/problem.

I am running Netebeans 12.0, java 8, and Maven version 3.6.3.

If I clear the Cache the project shows up with no red underlines.

If I run with no Maven “Global Execution Options” I can build a project with 
Clean and Build.
It builds correctly, and the source does not show any red underlines.

If I add the following to “Global Execution Options”:  -gs 
C:\dev\Projects-java8\.m2\settings.xml -s 
Copy the default .m2 folder to the new location, change the setting.xml file in 
the new location as needed and rename the default .m2 folder to save_m2

The build works, but then the red under lines show up in the Netbeans project.
Just a NOTE, a new .m2 folder does not show up in the default location.  I’m 
assuming the above settings are working.

We are upgrading our projects from Java 7 to Java 8 and want to be able to run 
multiple instances of Netbeans without either touching  or accessing the 
other’s data.

Any suggestions or assistance would be appreciated,
Steven M Nelligan

Facilities and Services
Information Technology Services
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Facilities and Services
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