
I think problem in version of spring-boot-starter-actuator maven artifact in 
your project.

Look to “Services” tab in NetBeans. There is not “source” marker for this 
artifact for your version 2.1.3


From: Greenberg, Gary <ggree...@visa.com.INVALID> 
Sent: Monday, November 30, 2020 7:15 AM
To: users@netbeans.apache.org
Subject: RE: How to disable this annoying thing


I did change this setting under Options->Java->Maven->Dependencies.

When I clicked on OK to apply these changes, Netbeans showed me a popup window 
“Performing lengthy operation” and hung.

I have killed it after approximately 40 minutes. When I restarted Netbeans 
options were not saved.
I did it again and now it took only 5 minutes to save.

Meanwhile it did start “Downloading Javadoc” and that process stalled at 24%. 
About dozen attempts to cancel it did not succeed. 

Now my question is: Why these processes are immortal and how do I cancel its 


Gary Greenberg

Staff Software Engineer

Data Product Development, BI-A

E: ggree...@visa.com <mailto:ggree...@visa.com> 

M: 650-269-7902



From: Geertjan Wielenga <geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com.INVALID 
<mailto:geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com.INVALID> > 
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 12:54 AM
To: Greenberg, Gary <ggree...@visa.com.invalid 
<mailto:ggree...@visa.com.invalid> >
Cc: users@netbeans.apache.org <mailto:users@netbeans.apache.org> 
Subject: Re: How to disable this annoying thing



Take a look in the Maven section in the Java tab of the Options window.




On Sun, 29 Nov 2020 at 06:47, Greenberg, Gary <ggree...@visa.com.invalid 
<mailto:ggree...@visa.com.invalid> > wrote:

I am working with NB 12.0 in Win10 Pro.

Practically right after opening active projects, Netbeans started a task 
“Downloading Sources”

This task always sits at 1% completion and never finishes.

If I can kill this task (which happens only in ¼ of attempts) it is restarted 
in few minutes.

It makes Netbeans very sluggish.

All these jar files already in my .m2 repository.

What it is trying to achieve and how can I get rid of this task?


Gary Greenberg

Staff Software Engineer

Data Product Development, BI-A

E: ggree...@visa.com <mailto:ggree...@visa.com> 

M: 650-269-7902



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