Got it! Thanks Alf.

On Wed, 6 Jan 2021 at 19:09, Alfonso Lourido <> wrote:

> Hi Owen,
> If I understand you well, nothing has changed from previous versions ….
> To add a library to a project, assuming it’s already in the system, select
> the folder “Libraries” on the left (Your_Project/Libraries) and right click
> on it: you’ll see you can add Library, JAR/Folder …
> If the required library is not in the system you can go to the
> Menu/Tools/Libraries … and follow the instructions ...
> I hope it helps …
> Cheers,
> __________________________________
> Alfonso Lourido
> Alf
> ☎️ +34 607 900 607
> El 6 ene 2021, a las 6:37, Owen Thomas <>
> escribió:
> Hello NetBeans Users.
> I haven't added a dependency in a while, and I am wondering how to do it
> in 12.2. I thought it was done by right-clicking the desired project in the
> projects view, and selecting the Properties option from the menu. From the
> Project Properties dialogue, one then would go to the libraries view and
> add the project one wanted to add to this project.
> Has something changed since earlier releases, or have I just forgotten how
> to add a dependent project?
> Thanks,
>   Owen.

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