Again a letter expressing frustration. That's Ok. We've read that, and now we're aware of that.

Probably if you put information as well, then we could help. "a question here and on stack overflow" is not referable. As far as I've checked you've got a reply on all of your questions here.

On 1/18/21 4:18 AM, Christopher C. Lanz wrote:

I have asked a question here and on stack overflow. No answers were forthcoming. In such a situation, are users simply hung out to dry, or is there any option for support from Apache-Netbeans, or any other NetBeans-savvy source?

I would happily pay for it, but I would rather not pay the $1,200 that their business support plan requires, for one question.

Chris Lanz

Department of Computer Science

340 Dunn Hall, SUNY Potsdam

315 268 1547

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