Hi folks,

As part of my AI and AI Programming module this coming semester, we'll be doing a fair chunk of Prolog experimentation + development, and I'd really like to use NB for this if possible. I really don't fancy learning a new editor and a new language at the same time.

I've had a bit of a scout about, and there are lots of 10 year old posts on the subject of integrating NB and Prolog, but nothing newer pops up than a stray plugin claiming to be for NB 7.1, but it's homepage is long gone so I can't verify it's veracity.

There is this - https://platform.netbeans.org/tutorials/60/nbm-prolog.html, but the links to other resources at the bottom are all long dead too.

Does anyone have experience of setting anything up like this within NB? Happy to work on a shared plugin and bring it up to 12.x compatibility if anyone has any pointers to do so?


Dawn Raison

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