I haven't been creating JavaFx for a few months but I didn't have any 
problems (using Maven and NB 12.0) creating FX projects. IDE created the FXML 
file and the SceneBuilder would automatically start if I clicked on a given 
FXML. Check your setup and make sure the SceneBuilder is configured properly.


    On Monday, March 22, 2021, 10:14:30 PM GMT+4:30, Will Hartung 
<willhart...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 What does it take to convince NB that a project is a JavaFX project?
If you create one from the Wizard, then the IDE knows about FXML files. It has 
options to create them, if you double click on one it launches SceneBuilder, 
If you create a plain Java Maven project, it doesn't know about any of those 
things. For example, you can not create an FXML file with the New menu.
Adding java fx dependencies doesn't do anything to the IDE.
Now, I've "uplifted" a normal project a little bit.
Part of a FXML project is a custom nbactions.xml file. This, most notably, 
leverages the maven javafx:run goal instead of generic main class method.
I think when I added this nbactions.xml file, the IDE now became more aware of 
JavaFX. Now, many of the JavaFX specific things show up in the New menu and 
But I still can not double click on an FXML file and launch SceneBuilder. So, 
I'm missing some other link. 

Any idea how I can make that final connection? And where is it manifest? I 
don't see any hidden files, or any files I can not explain differing from one 
project to another. Is there another place project specific information is 
stored besides within the project directory itself?
WIll Hartung

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