I have mentioned it before, it is a bug when creating ejb projects if you
use maven they are created as war. When I mentioned it before a release, I
got an unkind response, so I haven't commented on it again.
You manually change <packaging>war</packaging> to
<packaging>ejbr</packaging> as appropriate.

El jue, 15 de abr. de 2021 a la(s) 14:49, Wayne Gemmell | Connect (
wa...@connect-mobile.co.za) escribió:

> Hi All
> Netbeans 12.x is creating maven ear packages with all war files. They say
> ejb and ear but all the settings are for war packages. I've managed to fix
> all of my packages. All that is outstanding is that there is no deploy
> option. I'm not sure if I've missed something.
> Any idea how to get that deploy button to work? The rest is a bug report I
> guess.
> Regards
> Wayne

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NetBeans Community Docs Evangelist

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