This seems to only happen with Ant projects. Maven projects don't seem to have 
this problem.

If you expand the "JDK 11" node below the "Java dependencies" in the Ant 
project it shows the modules with the little blue icon but fails to include 

This is how the expanded JDK 11 node (in the "Libraries" section) looks in an 
Ant project:

The project was created with "New Project -> Java with Ant -> Java Application" 
(*NOT* as a "Java modular project").

And this is how it looks like in a Maven project with a comparable setup

It seems the Ant project is treated as a "module project" even though it is not.

While the Maven project is treated as a "non-module" project and thus includes 
the full JDK.

I didn't find any project properties for the Ant project that would change this 
behaviour. Is this a sign that Ant projects are becoming 2nd class citizens now?

I tested this with 12.3 and 12.4


Ty Young schrieb am 05.06.2021 um 23:49:
> If the project uses modules then you need to require the java.sql module. 
> Otherwise it may be because of nb-javac. Try installing or uninstalling it.
> On 6/4/21 10:47 AM, Paulo Toledo wrote:
>> Hi
>> Are there any problems importing when using the shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+I) to 
>> fix the imports?
>> I use Netbeans 12.4 with Java
>>     openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20
>>     OpenJDK Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.11+9)
>>     OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.11+9, mixed mode, sharing)
>> Below is an image attached demonstrating the problem.
>> Thanks in advance if anyone can give me a tip.

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