This is not new, it's been sort of plaguing me for some time, across NB
versions, across OSes.

Simply, Ctrl-H does not work for the Search/Replace function.

I press Ctrl-H and I just get a beep.

I have my Caps Lock key bound as my Ctrl Key, but that's not it as all of
the other Ctrl combinations work (NB shouldn't be able to detect that

I don't know what makes ^H special in this case, or where I can look to fix

It may very well be local to my configuration. I think it used to work on
my office mac, but it's not working on this one, or my previous one.

And I have no idea where to look to figure out what's going on.

If I remove the Application Support/Netbeans/12.4 folder, the IDE starts,
asks to import 12.2, and I say no. ^H works then.

I went to Preferences->Keymap->Manage Profiles->Netbeans->Reset Defaults,
and that didn't fix it either.

I tried exporting the Keymap, but nothing shows up there either.

Any suggestions?


Will Hartung

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