
Have you done the following?:

   1. added the url (mphp) to your HOSTS file ( mphp)
   2. uncommented the line: # Include etc/extra/https-vhosts.conf in
   3. created a document root in httpd-vhosts.conf
   4. Restarted Apache2

If so *and* they are correct then, in NetBeans→Project properties→Sources:

Project folder: "path to your project root" (probably C:\WAMPP\htdocs\mphp)
Sources folder: "path to your project root" (probably C:\WAMPP\htdocs\mphp)
Web Root: <source Folder>

in NetBeans→Project properties→Run Configuration:

Run As: Local Web Site (running on local web server)

Project URL: http://mphp/
Index File: index.php

Best regards,
Bike Farkles:

On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 9:57 PM Bruce Button <> wrote:

> Greetings!
> I would be most grateful for some help on what seems to be a simple
> problem — though I have searched unsuccessfully for the solution.
> I am using Windows 10 with WAMP, and have created a virtual host for a
> NetBeans PHP project. The url for the virtual host is http://mphp. The
> virtual host allows the project to be accessed as the main folder of the
> url, rather than as a subfolder, as would be the case if I put the files
> into a subfolder of WAMP's www folder.
> In the project Run Configuration I have entered "http://mphp";
> <http://mphp> as the project url, but when I try to launch the project
> from NetBeans the virtual host is changed to "localhost". Similarly, if my
> project is accessible in a subfolder of localhost, and I enter
> "localhost/subfolder" in the Run Configuration, NetBeans changes that to
> just "localhost".
> I have Googled, looked in the NetBeans documentation and everywhere else I
> can think of for answer, but can't seem to find it.
> Any help would be most appreciated.
> Thank you!
> Bruce Button
> —————
> Configuration: Windows 10 Professional, 64-bit
> WAMP 3.2.4 - 64 bit
> NetBeans IDE 12.0

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