Having never had the opportunity to be involved in any of the events
previously, I'm not really an expert on that per say.  AsFor that matter,
I'm not sure of how things were handled previously nor am I sure I'm
experienced enough to facilitate the whole event given my lack of

   1. In the past, did this happen around the time of Java One / Code One
   time frame?  If so maybe (not sure if that's virtual this year or now)
   around that time frame?
   2. Given Netbeans is Apache Netbeans, are there any Apache events coming
   up that might be good to be part of?  And assume there might need to be
   coordination with Apache organization for specifics here as well.
   3. Assume (unless someone / everyone feels comfortable enough for it to
   be in person) that it would need to be some form of virtual event (does
   Apache have a "Apache Virtual/Video/Web Conferencing" Tool in it's
   4. Not sure how "topics" or "submissions for speakers" was done in the
   past (assume voluntary).

Eric Bresie

On Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 11:24 AM Geertjan Wielenga <
geertjan.wiele...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Up to you. When/where do you propose them to happen?
> Gj
> On Sun, 20 Jun 2021 at 18:22, Eric Bresie <ebre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Following the new committer emails, I noticed the "Netbean Events" page
>> in the same community area (
>> http://netbeans.apache.org/community/events.html ) and was curious if
>> there are any plans for events for 2021?
>> Eric Bresie
>> ebre...@gmail.com

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