Try different versions of Lombok.


On Sun, 4 Jul 2021 at 17:29, Dawn Raison <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I keep bumping into this type of issue in some of my netbeans projects.
> While everything compiles / runs OK, I get red exclamation marks against
> the code and the following hover over warnings:
> reference to getRecipientContactStatusList is ambiguous
>   both method getRecipientContactStatusList() in RecipientHolder and method 
> getRecipientContactStatusList() in RecipientHolder match
> reference to getMessageStats is ambiguous
>   both method getMessageStats() in RecipientHolder and method 
> getMessageStats() in RecipientHolder match
> ----
> (Alt-Enter shows hints)
> The code fragment in question looks like:
>     public MessageResponseDto generateRecipientList(Term term, 
> MessageRequestDto messageRequestDto) {
>         RecipientHolder rh = 
> messageRecipientListService.createRecipientList(term, messageRequestDto, 
> MessageTarget.EMAIL);
>         return new MessageResponseDto(rh.getRecipientContactStatusList(), 
> rh.getMessageStats());
>     }
> This is just one example, over time more and more appear, until i close
> NB, delete the cache, and restart wherein it's OK for a "while" (can be
> days, or an hour).
> If i do a CTRL-click on the symbol, NB is able to navigate directly to it
> - so it knows the "right answer".
> I use LOMBOK extensively in this maven based project, which is composed of
> several modules.
> Now, I'm intending to try debugging NB to see where this happens, can
> anyone make any suggestions as to where to start my investigations?
> Thanks,
> Dawn Raison

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