As you say "(rightly or wrongly)" - though a compiled 'exe' is just as risky.  Java cannot be blamed for that sort of thing. However, I have not dealt with paranoid end-users so I'll just leave it with you there.

When you do get your answers, I would be interested in seeing them also.  That is, if they aren't already posted to the list.


On 8/7/21 6:43 pm, Chris Olsen wrote:
Bradley and All --

   Thank you for the lengthy response and pom.  I would like to briefly respond 
to your comment below:

Separately, I don't see any issue with an end-user having to install a
version of the JRE to run Java applications.  In Windows, it is quite
easy, isn't it?

   My own efforts at freeware target statistics teachers.  Many school districts (rightly 
or wrongly) have the idea that Java is a huge security risk, and any Java program is 
immediately suspect.  Also, many districts do not have the expertise to install FX.  
Thus, bundling an app with a JRE slips in "under the radar."  (Teachers 
typically do not have admin privileges on their classroom computers, and I typically 
offer the source code for inspection; however, many Districts are bereft of expertise in 
that area also.)

   -- Chris

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