NetBeans of course invokes the fixer if you do the "reformat" shortcut or
menu option, so you don't need to install for that.
For manual invocation, follow the install instructions

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 1:41 AM Tom Rushworth <> wrote:

> As a PHP newbee, I thought it would be a good idea to write PHP standard
> code.  To help me do this, I thought I would install CS Fixer because
> Netbeans has a plug in for it. I read that the best way to install CS Fixer
> is with Composer.  I have successfully installed Composer.  But now I'm
> lost. I have no idea how to proceed to install CS Fixer using composer.
> Would someone please share some simple instructions on how to proceed?
> Tom

Jack Woehr               # Woehr's Asymptote: The ratio of the time spent
Box 51, Golden CO 80402  # administering productivity software over the time # saved by said software eventually approximates 1.

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