There's a suggested workaround in a response to the request that you filed in the jVi project on sourceforge. HTH

BTW, jVi uses java's preferences not a .viminfo file.


On 9/12/2021 6:03 PM, Lisa Ruby wrote:

I've been using Netbeans 12.0 with jvi on Windows 8.1 for at least 10
months. Two days ago jvi quit working for no reason I can explain. I
have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. Didn't help. I also have
Netbeans 8.2 installed on my computer and the version of the jvi plugin
is working there. Different version of jvi plugin though.

I looked at the Netbeans IDE log and it appears something related to jvi
is throwing an exception during Netbeans startup. Looked a little to me
like maybe the .viminfo file could be corrupt. The only .viminfo file I
found was in my C:\Users\Lisa folder. It had entries in it with
pathnames to files in my Netbeans Project, so I assume that was the
right file. I tried removing that file (renamed it), didn't help.
Restored an older version of the file and that didn't help either. I've
attached (assuming I can provide attachments in messages to this group)
two Netbeans IDE logs. One is with jvi installed, one when I'd
uninstalled it. This is driving me crazy. Anyone have any ideas on how I
can fix this?

Thank you.


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