I made some progress..I started over following the following links and now have 
an application that recognizes my custom project.


I did have to manually add a jar file to my local repo in order to get it to 
work however. 
Just following the instructions as is didn’t work because I got the error:

> Some tokens required by included modules are not provided by included 
> modules. The application will fail starting up. The missing tokens are:
>    org.netbeans.spi.project.ProjectManagerImplementation          ref: 
> [org.netbeans.modules.projectapi]

Turns out that I needed to install the ‘org-netbeans-modules-projectapi-nb’ jar 
into my local repo.
This module provides the implementation of ProjectManagerImplementation that 
was missing.

I did: 

> mvn install:install-file -Dfile=org-netbeans-modules-projectapi-nb.jar 
> -DgroupId=org.netbeans.modules 
> -DartifactId=org-netbeans-modules-projectapi-nb -Dversion=
RELEASE125 -Dpackaging=jar

I found this jar by looking at a working Ant based platform build I did and 
seeing which modules it included and noticed the *-nb version wasn’t available 
in Maven central..so I had
to manually add it.

Once I did that and added it to my POM.xml it all compiled and ran.

Here is a new repo showing my code: 

So, the next thing to do is to see if I can get the JSON module working…

- Tim

> On Sep 25, 2021, at 11:29 AM, Tim Mullé <tmu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to make a simple Maven based Platform test application that uses 
> initially:
> - Project API - (so I can have custom project types, wizards, etc)
> - JSON editor (so I can view, edit, JSON files)
> and I’m getting the following strange errors. I’m guessing because I’m not 
> including
> all the correct modules?
> I’m finding it difficult to know which modules to include using Maven based 
> development
> versus the Ant which have the nice library picker UI.
> I’m getting a compile error and I’m not sure how to figure out what the 
> correct modules I need.
> Some tokens required by included modules are not provided by included 
> modules. The application will fail starting up. The missing tokens are:
>    org.netbeans.spi.project.ProjectManagerImplementation          ref: 
> [org.netbeans.modules.projectapi]
>    org.netbeans.modules.parsing.impl.indexing.implspi.ActiveDocumentProvider  
>         ref: [org.netbeans.modules.parsing.indexing]
> I find myself trying to randomly pick which modules I think would satisfy the 
> module dependencies and adding them to my POM
> but I’m not doing very well.
> I’ve also found a lot of times when I get the error saying something is not a 
> friend of … and then I found online that I have to create 
> a module.xml file and then add some entries to fix this, and it requires me 
> to then look at each modules MANIFEST.MF that I’m trying
> to be a friend with and add that to my module.xml file. Seems very 
> tedious..unless I’m missing something much easier.
> Here is the link to my test code: 
> https://github.com/tmulle/MavenNBTestApplication 
> <https://github.com/tmulle/MavenNBTestApplication>
> Any help would be appreciated.. 

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