I am using NetBeans 12.4 (I know, upgrade) on a Windows 10 Professional system with JDK 11.0.12 (I know, upgrade).

I am writing a proof of concept web application (Maven, Java EE 6) to test configurable servlet filters for Content-Security-Policy and X-Frame-Options.

This all works well, except that NetBeans marks my web.xml with errors if I put something like the following into a <param-value>

default-src 'self'&#59; object-src 'none'&#59;

It's read correctly, and examining the Content-Security-Policy values shows up the expected results (with the semicolons).

What is the proper way of encoding a semicolon so that it's read by the filter as a
<param-value > but does not generate an error by NetBeans?

. . . just my two cents

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