Looking in the console during attempted run I do see..

--- nbm-maven-plugin:4.6:run-ide (default-cli) @ python ---
Configuring mojo org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nbm-maven-plugin:4.6:run-ide
from plugin realm
parent: jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@4e0e2f2a]
Configuring mojo
'org.apache.netbeans.utilities:nbm-maven-plugin:4.6:run-ide' with basic
configurator -->
  (f) clusterBuildDir =
  (f) netbeansInstallation = C:\Program Files\NetBeans-12.5\netbeans
  (f) netbeansUserdir = C:\git\netbeans-python\python\target\userdir
-- end configuration --

Where does the "netbeansInstallation" get set?

Is there a new "nb-maven-plugin" beyond 4.6 associated with the 12.6 build?

Eric Bresie

On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 10:02 AM Eric Bresie <ebre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I only updated the netbeans specific dependencies which previously
> referenced "125" and no other dependencies.  Is it possible some other
> dependencies not references with 125 are needing updates as well and if so,
> is there an easy way to determine what else may need to be updated?
> I'm running on Windows 10 and JDK 15 ( not sure why I haven't updated the
> JDK in use recently but maybe I should and/or downgrade to an older one
> [JDK 11 or 8 maybe]).
> In addition to the "Netbean showing the 12.5 version", I also get messages
> like the following:
>         Warning - could not install some modules:
> My Editor - The module Progress API was requested in version >= 1.62 but
> only 1.61 was found.
> My Editor - The module UI Utilities API was requested in version >= 7.82
> but only 7.81 was found.
> My  Editor - The module External Execution API was requested in version >=
> 1.63 but only 1.62 was found.
> My Editor - The module MultiView Windows was requested in version >= 1.58
> but only 1.57 was found.
> My Editor - The module Options Dialog and SPI was requested in version >=
> 1.59 but only 1.58 was found.
> My Editor - The module File Templates was requested in version >= 1.22 but
> only 1.21 was found.
> My Editor - The module Dialogs API was requested in version >= 7.56 but
> only 7.55 was found.
> My Editor - The module Common Annotations was requested in version >= 1.42
> but only 1.41 was found.
> My Editor - The module File System API was requested in version >= 9.26
> but only 9.25 was found.
> My Editor - The module Lookup API was requested in version >= 8.48 but
> only 8.47 was found.
> My  Editor - The module Utilities API was requested in version >= 9.22 but
> only 9.21 was found.
> My Editor - The module TextMate Lexer was requested in version >=
> but only was found.
> My Editor - The module Filesystems NetBeans Client was requested in
> version >= 9.24 but only 9.23 was found.
> My Editor - The module Module System API was requested in version >= 7.62
> but only 7.61 was found.
> My Editor - The module Text API was requested in version >= 6.82 but only
> 6.81 was found.
> My Editor - The module Editor Indentation was requested in version >= 1.57
> but only 1.56 was found.
> My Editor - The module Datasystems API was requested in version >= 7.84
> but only 7.83 was found.
> My Editor - The module Nodes API was requested in version >= 7.59 but only
> 7.58 was found.
> My Editor - The module LSP Client was requested in version >=
> but only was found.
> My Editor - The module Lexer was requested in version >= but only
> was found.
> My Editor - The module LSP APIs was requested in version >= 1.6 but only
> 1.5 was found.
> My Editor - The module Project API was requested in version >= 1.82 but
> only 1.81 was found.
> My Editor - The module External Execution Base API was requested in
> version >= 1.20 but only 1.19 was found.
> I've tried downloading dependencies, cleaning and rebuilding but still no
> luck.
> Is there a specific property somewhere that specifies the netbean platform
> to be used?
> I see the "Set Configuration" with "default config", "netbeans-ide", and
> "release" but using these don't seem to help either.
> Eric Bresie
> ebre...@gmail.com
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 9:46 AM Eric Bresie <ebre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have been working on a Maven Netbeans module project in Netbeans which
>> has many Netbean specific dependencies.  I started this with Netbeans 12.5
>> based dependencies and all seemed to work well.
>> When Netbeans 12.6 came out I figured I would upgrade the dependencies to
>> be compatible with 12.6 versions so I modified all the dependencies to be
>> like <version>RELEASE126</version>.
>> This seemed to work someone but there were issues none the less.  For
>> example:
>> When attempting "Run" on the project in Netbeans, it continued to use the
>> "Netbean 12.5 platform" during running and complained about some older
>> modules being present instead of newer modules.  Assume it's still using
>> Netbeans 12.5 for the platform for some reason and may not be picking up
>> newer dependencies, has stale jars, or platform setup issues.
>> In the Tools...Netbeans Platform, only 12.6 platforms are defined with no
>> 12.5 present.
>> In the project folder, I removed the "target" cache/user folders which
>> caused them to be repopulated at next build but still no luck.
>> Any idea?
>> Eric Bresie
>> ebre...@gmail.com

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