i saw it, looks good on first glance but i had no time to test it so far - thanks!

i put it on the NB14 milestone since NB13 is in feature freeze.

congrats for your first contribution,


On 18.01.22 06:38, Arnaud bourree wrote:

Here it is my first contribution to NetBeans: https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/3470
Maybe to late for NB13.



Le jeu. 13 janv. 2022 à 15:40, Arnaud bourree <arnaud.bour...@gmail.com> a écrit :

    Again thanks you William

    I said that custom action cannot provide workaround : that's false

    Here is workaround to run all tests from on integration test class:

     1. right click in editor of you integration test file
     2. select "Run Maven >" then "Goals..."
     3. as Goals, enter "integration-test" or "verify", I select
        verify because I expect post-integration-test to be run after test
     4. as Properties, enter like in integration-test default action:
     5. check "Remember as" and enter a name, I choose "Run IT test"

    Et voila, tests of your integration test class run.
    Thanks to point 5, now, you can run an integration test class by
    selectin "Run IT test" at point 2.

    At the end, you should have in nbactions.xml file in your project
    on action likes:
                <actionName>CUSTOM-Run IT test</actionName>
                <displayName>Run IT test</displayName>



    Le jeu. 13 janv. 2022 à 14:04, Arnaud bourree
    <arnaud.bour...@gmail.com> a écrit :

        Thank you William.

        I never use Gradle, I suppose you are right.

        With Maven's project, we can also add custom actions,That
        could be a good workaround.
        But actions are not contextual actions such as "Test File" or
        "Run Focused Test Method", they work at project level not file
        level, or I don't understand how they work.



        Le jeu. 13 janv. 2022 à 00:48, * William
        <william.full.m...@gmail.com> a écrit :

            Hi Arnaud,

            I am able to run integration tests from the netbeans
            project tree using Gradle, may be there is something
            similar with Maven.  Under each project you want to use a
            Gradle task you can set-=up an entry in the project's
            "gradle.properties" file, so:

            ##      Netbeans Actions
            ##        * Gradle tasks
                action.custom-1.args=--configure-on-demand -w -x check
                action.custom-2.args=--configure-on-demand -w -x check
            intTest --debug-jvm

            I am not sure if there is a Gradle plugin required to
            achieve this though, it just worked when I did it after
            reading a stackoverflow post.

            It is well worth checking for a Maven equivalent to the
            custom actions.  Another approach is to convert from Maven
            to Gradle which has a learning curve of course.

            Good luck there.  I'm for any thing that advances testing.

-- aloha,

            On Tue, 4 Jan 2022 at 23:44, Arnaud bourree
            <arnaud.bour...@gmail.com> wrote:


                I use Netbeans 12.6 on Windows server 2016 with
                OpenJDK 11 and Maven 3.6.3

                I've some integration tests written with JUnit that
                Maven knows how to launch with failsafe.
                I'd like to run integration tests like unitary tests
                from Netbeans.
                I saw that there are project actions "Integration test
                file" and "Debug integration test".
                I expect Netbeans to propose to me something like
                "Test Integration File" instead of "Test File" on
                JUnit tests matching failsafe configuration : it doesn't.

                I didn't find any web pages explaining how to nor any

                Any idea how to?



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