On 2/20/2022 10:55 PM, Amn Ojee Uw wrote:
Tomcat is installed in '/opt/tomcat' and when trying to add tomcat as a server, well, NB has not permission to access that directory.
Can anyone help?
I am using NB-latest in my Debian box.

I recommend downloading Tomcat from tomcat.apache.org, unpack it in a directory, and then point your NetBeans installation to that. That way you have complete control, and the Tomcat mailing list can easily help you out with any issues.

I typically create a ~Apache/ directory and unpack Tomcat servers in that. You'll have to configure tomcat-users.xml so that NetBeans can actually control Tomcat as well.

There are a lot of creative things you can do once you do that, but that should get you going.

. . . just my two cents

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