It's hard to know what you are wanting to do with little to no information.

In all probability the jar files produced via Eclipse are osgi bundles
(extra metadata in the manifest).  So you will have to run them on either
Felix or Equinox (or another osgi implementation) in a NB environment.

It would probably be best to move your source code to NB rather than jar
files if you are changing your environment as you say.  NB handles osgi
bundles fine but you have to set up the osgi environment in NB which, in
Eclipse, is probably your default.  Personally, I use NB to create the osgi
bundles and run them externally in Felix rather than muck around attempting
to run them within NB.  It's trivial to set up the external environment and
you don't get into the issues some people have of things running in NB but
then they don't run when they try to deploy.

Apache Felix is only a download away (you'll also probably want the bundle
repository) and has fair documentation.  Eclipse comes with the osgi
Equinox environment as default. If you're new to osgi there is a learning
curve.  If you move your source to NB and don't need the osgi runtime you
can recompile to regular jar files and run in NB without setting up the
osgi environment.  Choices, choices...........

On Fri, Mar 4, 2022 at 8:16 AM Amn Ojee Uw <> wrote:

> I have recently have done a major shift as a developer, I switch from MS
> to Debian 11 and as they say "New year, new life". So, I've also changed my
> developing platform to NetBeans 12.x from Eclipse. I have realized that the
> jar files produced by Eclipse are not desirable by  NB 12.x.
> Is this the norm? Should I always assume that  Eclipse produced jar files
> will not run on NetBeans?
> As a personal note, let me say that this issue must not exist; "Write
> once, run anywhere"?
> Perhaps, someone here could point out a document on the net that addresses
> this issue.
> Thanks in advance.

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