Thanks sooo much.

On 2022-04-15 3:45 p.m., Sean Carrick wrote:
Project Properties...Compiling tab...Additional Compiler Options:



Sean Carrick
Owner - PekinSOFT Systems
(309) 989-0672

On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 1:50 PM Amn Ojee Uw <> wrote:

    I am getting this working and don't know NetBeans enough to
    resolve it, this is the warning:
    */Note: C:\Users\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations./**/
    /**/Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details/*

    If you know how to edit parameters in NetBeans, so that I can
    recompile with -Xlint:unchecked, please drop me a note.

    Thanks in advance.

-- *ArbolOne* Using Fire Fox and Thunderbird. Developing for Android
    using Java, C/C++, HTM/CSS and SQLite as our platform has been
    exciting and most rewarding. [ Ñ ]



*ArbolOne* Using Fire Fox and Thunderbird. Developing for Android using Java, C/C++, HTM/CSS and SQLite as our platform has been exciting and most rewarding. [ Ñ ]

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