Yes, what you're saying sounds right; I've seen a variety of things about new testrunner while searching.

After I sent the original, which was about converting an ant project from jUnit4 to jUnit5, I created a new project from scratch, on file. Then asked for a test.

It created a jUnit 5 test, to my surprise; had the jupiter imports. Ran the test and got

        The following error occurred while executing this line:
        The <classpath> or <modulepath> for <junit>
        must include junit.jar if not in Ant's own classpath
   BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)

Which seems to support what you're saying.

Any pointers for fixing this appreciated. Do I need to modify NB's ant installation? This is a new area for me.


On 5/11/22 8:17 PM, Laszlo Kishalmi wrote:
Maybe you need to change the testrunner in the Ant task. AFAIN JUnit 5 uses a new TestRunner.

On 5/11/22 14:27, Ernie Rael wrote:
Hi all,

Feels like I'm in deep with this one.

Using NB-13, I have an old *ant* based project. I was using junit-4.13/JUnitParams-1.1.1. I needed to build a parameterized test, and decided to upgrade to junit-5. The junit-4 tests have been working fine.

Added the junit-5.6 library (comes bundled with NB-13) to the project, deleted old libs. Fixed up annotations and such. Tests don't run: "No tests"executed" see below for output. Seaching says it's OK to ignore the "warning...Status.STABLE" (though it would be nice to know how to get rid of them). See output below, there were no errors

I tried creating a new test, had options junit-4, junit (and testNG whatever that is). I selectd junit, but that seems to be junit-4 or earlier.

netbeans doc,, talks about junit-3, junit-4.

Any ideas on what can I do to get the tests executing?


ant -f /src/jvi-dev/jvi -Djavac.includes=com/raelity/jvi/core/ -Dtest.includes=com/raelity/jvi/core/ -Dtest.class=com.raelity.jvi.core.FilePathTest -Dignore.failing.tests=true test-single
Deleting: /src/jvi-dev/jvi/build/
Updating property file: /src/jvi-dev/jvi/build/
Created dir: /src/jvi-dev/jvi/build/test/classes
Compiling 1 source file to /src/jvi-dev/jvi/build/test/classes
warning: unknown enum constant Status.STABLE
  reason: class file for org.apiguardian.api.API$Status not found
warning: unknown enum constant Status.STABLE
100 warnings
Copied 3 empty directories to 3 empty directories under /src/jvi-dev/jvi/build/test/classes
Created dir: /src/jvi-dev/jvi/build/test/results
No tests executed.
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)

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