It is true that there other people on this list nicer than you. But let's look at your reply for a second. You provided no help, only criticism. The person asking the question wanted help. Rather than your acerbic answer, you might have provided some aid and direction. You did say that this list is for Netbeans issues only. That is help. You did say that there are other places to look, with an implied criticism that no looking was done. Moreover, you neglected to mention any single place where help could have been found.

In my experience on this list, I have found many people who tried to be helpful. The person asking the question was not asking for a fight, and probably did not know the fundamental purpose of this list. The question asker would have certainly gone elsewhere if it was known that this list was for Netbeans, not Java.

Your comments are unwarranted and not helpful. If you felt annoyed you should not have commented, or been more gracious in your comments.


On 5/23/2022 9:52 PM, Mark A. Flacy wrote:


Other people on this list have attempted to help prior to this reply. They are much nicer than I.

 1.  You *never* asked a question.   You posted a bit of code and
    indicated there was an error.  You didn't indicate that you tried
    to figure out the error or anything else.  The people who
    subscribe to this list aren't your parents and are under no
    obligation to try to read your mind (assuming your parents have
    that obligation) to solve your _unstated_ problems.
 2.  This mailing list is to discuss Netbeans issues.  Basic java
    problems really shouldn't be addressed here, although I might be
    in the minority in this mailing list with that opinion.

There are ample places other than this list to find an answer to your implied problem.


Mark A. Flacy

On 2022 M05 22, Sun 17:52:55 CDT Zulfi Khan wrote:

> Hi,

> I have written the following code:

> /*

>  * Click

> nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Licenses/license-default.txt to

> change this license * Click

> nbfs://nbhost/SystemFileSystem/Templates/Project/Maven2/JavaApp/src/main/ja

> va/${packagePath}/${mainClassName}.java to edit this template */


> package com.mycompany.add2strjop;

> import javax.swing.*;

> import java.lang.NumberFormatException;

> import;

> import;

> import;

> import;

> import;

> public class Add2StrJOp {

>   BufferedReader BF= null;

>   BufferedReader BW= null;

>   String str = "test";


>    public static void main(String args[]){

>       try{

>           FileReader file = new FileReader("abc.txt");

>           BF = new BufferedReader(file);//E

>          //BF= new BufferedReader(new FileReader("abc.txt"));

>           while ((str = BF.readLine())!=null){//E

>             JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, str);//E

>           //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "hello World");

>             //BF.clos()

>           }

>          }catch(IOException e){

>               e.printStackTrace();

>          }

>           finally{

>                  try{

>                     if( BF!=null){//E

>                        BF.close();//E

>                     }

>                  }catch(IOException e) {

>                     e.printStackTrace();

>                   }

>                 }//finally

>           try{

>                 BW = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("abc.txt"));//E

>                 String str= "This is a test";

>                 BW.write(str);//E

>                 BW.close();//E

>              }catch(IOException e) {

>                  e.printStackTrace();

>              }

> }

> }



> I have commented the lines as //E where I am getting the error "Non-static

> variable cannot be referenced from static context. Zulfi.

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