Worth a watch and a star at least.

On Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 9:09 AM <helderne...@qualityti.net.invalid> wrote:

> Hi all,
> There is a repository on github created to gauge interest in a plugin for
> Tabnine, a similar solution to github copilot, on Apache NetBeans.
> https://github.com/tabnine/tabnine-netbeans-ide
> I believe that if the community shows a relevant interest in the plugin,
> the team will develop it themselves, as they support development
> environments less used than NetBeans.
> As a suggestion, the community itself could create other repositories
> similar to this one, preferably in a centralized place, to demonstrate
> interest and also request the development of plugins for other solutions.
> Best Regards,
> Helder


-Juan Algaba

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