Hey Laszlo.

Sorry for not doing as you have asked, but while you were probably
composing your message, my Gradle project built!

I don't know if that means that I'm good - (it usually doesn't) I need to
add a lot more subprojects to the root project - but all I did was to
change CliqueSpace/PeerDevice/build.gradle from:

description = 'PeerDevice'

dependencies {
    *compile* project(':Concept')

description = 'PeerDevice'

dependencies {
    *implementation* project(':Concept')

NetBeans is still telling me that the source code within the PeerDevice
project is not compiling. Perhaps there is a caching problem. (?)

I hope I'm on to something. If perhaps I'm not, then please let me know.
This might also give you more information about the problem I'm having and
equip you or others with more pointers.


On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 at 15:50, Laszlo Kishalmi <laszlo.kisha...@gmail.com>

> Well, I've done and see a few dozen of Gradle builds, though this sounds
> alien to me. If you could share your project structure (main folders and
> their build.gradle files, maybe we can help sort this thing out.
> On 8/1/22 22:39, Owen Thomas wrote:
> While I've been doing other things, I have come to the conclusion that I
> need something, possibly in my build.gradle file of the Concept project,
> that refers to the Groovy method "compile". Perhaps I will need to start
> here.
> On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 at 14:02, Jason Abreu <jace.ab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> When I converted about 30 projects from Any to Gradle, including multiple
>> multi-project builds, I noticed a few peculiar things.
>> Firstly, NetBeans gets a background task hung up every now and then.  The
>> only solution for this was to exit NetBeans then find the hung up task and
>> kill it.  Once NetBeans restarted, the project scanning worked as expected
>> once more.
>> Secondly, I have noticed that the Gradle dependency cache can get stale
>> and not refresh from repositories.  For this I would execute the Gradle
>> build task with the "--refresh-dependencies" (or something like that)
>> option to force Gradle to pull a fresh copy of the dependencies from the
>> repositories.
>> Hope this helps!  I still consider myself new-ish to Gradle.  I do find
>> most of the support I need there in the NetBeans IDE for it, though.
>> However, my complaints about NetBeans relate to their lack of Jakarta EE 9
>> support, so far - but that's not anything to do with Gradle.
>> --Jason
>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2022, 22:59 Owen Thomas <owen.paul.tho...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello again. I am perplexed at the following problem.
>>> I have a multi-project build in a directory named "CliqueSpace". It's
>>> build.gradle file has the following:
>>> subprojects {
>>>     apply plugin: 'java'
>>>     repositories {
>>>         mavenCentral()
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> The settings.gradle file or the same directory has the following:
>>> rootProject.name = 'CliqueSpace'
>>> include ':Concept'
>>> include ':PeerDevice'
>>> There are other includes in the above file, but I don't think it is
>>> necessary to quote them here.
>>> In the Concept directory (CliqueSpace/Concept), build.gradle contains
>>> the following:
>>> description = 'Concept'
>>> In the PeerDevice directory (CliqueSpace/PeerDevice), build.gradle
>>> contains the following:
>>> description = 'PeerDevice'
>>> dependencies {
>>>     compile project(':Concept')
>>> }
>>> At the moment, I only feel confident using gradle from the CLI. So, when
>>> I open a CLI window within the CliqueSpace directory, and run "gradle
>>> project PeerDevice", I get the following:
>>> owen@owen-Latitude-5511:~/Development/CliqueSpace/Code/trunk/CliqueSpace$
>>> gradle project PeerDevice
>>> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
>>> * Where:
>>> Build file
>>> '/home/owen/Development/CliqueSpace/Code/trunk/CliqueSpace/PeerDevice/build.gradle'
>>> line: 4
>>> * What went wrong:
>>> A problem occurred evaluating project ':PeerDevice'.
>>> > Could not find method compile() for arguments [project ':Concept'] on
>>> object of type
>>> org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler.
>>> * Try:
>>> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or
>>> --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
>>> * Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
>>> BUILD FAILED in 493ms
>>> In short, having followed the instructions from a few different sources
>>> now, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. It might be good for the reader to
>>> know that Concept/src/main/java has source code in it that compiles, but
>>> PeerDevice/src/main/java also has source code where almost every Java
>>> module has broken out in a rash of unresolved dependencies.
>>> Thanks for any help,
>>>   Owen.

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