You can drag off any edit window to another display (or even another window on 
the same display).  The overall interface gets a little weird  on a Mac, but 
perfectly doable.

Mark A. Flacy

On 2022 M08 10, Wed 19:05:48 CDT Blake McBride wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have three monitors.  I like to have the IDE with the back-end on one
> monitor.  Another IDE running the front-end on a second monitor.  And then,
> the browser displaying the app on the third monitor.
> The problem I am having is that NB (14) will only allow me to have one
> (essentially) head.  I know I can open up both projects on the same head,
> but I want to see code from both at the same time.  So, I'd like to open
> two copies of NB.  One would be open to my front-end project, and the other
> would be open to my back-end project.  Can I do this?
> Thanks!
> Blake McBride

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