
I have the following setup:

Windows 10 Pro - latest updates
JDK 17 (JDK 11, JDK 8 defined for legacy projects)
Netbeans 15 (voting candidate) installed from zip

I did not import any settings from NetBeans 14.

I have the following project structure to build with JDK 8:

|--- pom.xml
+--- Module_1
     |---- pom.xml
+--- Module_2
     |---- pom.xml
+--- Module_3
     |---- pom.xml

The parent definition in the modules are:


<packaging>(jar or war)</packaging>

where n = [1,2,3].

The Aggregator project:



In each of the modules, I get the following warning in my pom.xml files:

'parent.relativePath' of some.organization:Module_n:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT points to some.organization:Module_n instead of some.organization:Aggreagator, please verify your project structure.

This occurs for n = [1,2,3].

This also occurs with a zip-installed copy of NetBeans 14 on Windows.

I do not get this warning when running the same setup on Ubuntu 22.04 with either the SNAP-installed NetBeans 14 or a zip-installed NetBeans 15.

What am I missing?

. . . just my two cents

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