Sounds like there is no simple or non-brittle way to do this. Thanks anyway.

    On Tuesday, August 30, 2022 at 04:56:10 AM GMT+3, Laszlo Kishalmi 
<> wrote:  
Right now we are using all installed LaF-s to display in the combo box. You 
might create an SPI PR for a filtering interface. It's in the 
platform/ module.
You might create something that checks/changes the following file on startup:

 On 8/29/22 00:43, Mike Hallan wrote:
 Hi,   I would like to remove all LAFs so that the only ones available in MyApp 
are "FlatLaf Light" and "FlatLaf Dark". I have set the default LAF in branding 
resource bundle for MyApp to be com.formdev.flatlaf.FlatLightLaf. Ideally I 
want that if a user of a previous version of MyApp, who had been using 
"Windows" LAF, now starts the new new version of MyApp that MyApp won't find 
"Windows" LAF (because it no longer exists) and will therefore revert to using 
the new branded default of "FlatLAF Light". Therefore:  1) Is is possible to 
remove all non-FlatLaf LAFs? Please tell me how to do it safely. 2) Will the 
application revert to using the branded default LAF if it can't find the 
previous LAF because it no longer exists in the application? Thanks!  

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