
I was an ardent user of Netbeans from 2009 to around 2016, while using Java
(and for a short while when using C++ and Python). I've even written about
and linked to James Gosling's support for Netbeans.
The reason for mentioning this, is because current popular IDE's lack the
usability that Netbeans has. There is a LOT of features that are very
thoughtfully crafted, and has left me wishing it was there in other IDE's
too. Problems with other IDE's:

   - Intellij Idea: Too heavy on resources. Can't run it on my 2GB RAM,
   Celeron laptop.
   - VS Code: The various view panels are inflexible in position and simple
   tasks that should have been easily runnable, are complex in accessibility
   and usage. Julia's plugin for VS Code makes it extremely slow to run Julia
   - Spyder: Poor support for refactoring.
   - Sublime text: Unbelievably un-intuitive IDE. Need to Google search for
   how to do anything in it.
   - Atom: Is already being sunsetted.
   - Eclipse and LiClipse: Is kind of ok, but not as good as Netbeans.

It's not just me. When using Java, many of my juniors were also
enthusiastically vocal in their preference for Netbeans. You've built a
great IDE. If Netbeans could be streamlined to be lightweight, bug-free and
if support for languages like Python, Julia, R and C++ is added/improved,
and if Netbeans could be marketed more, it'd be a great help to the
software community.


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