Hi Josh,

Thanks for your work for NetBeans.

It seems that bug #4605 has been fixed ("Impossible to create a Maven Web application for Jakarta EE 9.1" ; bug #4532). How can I get the new version of the Maven achetype to create a Jakarta EE 9.1 project? NetBeans 15 "Check for Updates"  displays "Your IDE is up to date".

I am teaching a course on Jakarta EE in November and I would like to use Jakarta EE 10. When do you think it will be possible to get the (pre-release) version of NetBeans 16 that will contain the PRs for Jakarta EE 10?

Best regards,


Le 02/10/2022 à 07:23, Josh Juneau a écrit :
Hi Glenn,

Yes, Michael is correct that there are PRs coming for Jakarta EE 10 and Payara 6 in NetBeans 16.  You should be able to run Payara 5, GlassFish 6 along with Jakarta EE 9.1 in NetBeans 15.


Josh Juneau

On Oct 1, 2022, at 3:07 PM, Glenn Holmer <ce...@protonmail.com.invalid> wrote:

I haven't done much EE programming since I retired, but want to update
an app I wrote to the latest Jakara EE.

Is that supported in NetBeans 15? Because I had trouble registering the
server in NetBeans. It's installed (payara-6.2022.1.Alpha4.zip), and I
can get the pages on 8080 and 4848, but here's what happens when I try
to register Payara:

0) I select a location (/opt/payara6)
1) I get "Detected a 6.2022.1 install. Click Next to register remote or
custom local domains." ("Local Domain" is selected, "Download Now..." is
greyed out)
2) I click Next, but nothing happens except that the "Click Next"
message disappears. "Finish" is greyed out.

What am I doing wrong? I'm running on openjdk 17.

Glenn Holmer (Linux registered user #16682)
"After the vintage season came the aftermath -- and Cenbe."

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