Greetings Ken,

As you're likely aware, NetBeans is now an Apache project supported by volunteers. Frustratingly for many, documentation and help need lots of attention. JavaFX in particular, has gotten little attention.

It would be great if you could turn your experience with JavaFX on NetBeans into some documentation that can be made generally available.


On 23/01/03 6:54 AM, Ken Standard wrote:

To whom it may concern:

There are several issues to address.

The mentioned tutorial is solely based on a Windows user perspective. That isĀ  a very short/narrow view of a product widely used on many platforms, including Linux and Mac. This one-platform perspective does no good for those who do not wish to be a Windows user. The tree-list images only apply in one situation and do not apply to all (e.g. Linux users developing a MAVEN project).

The tutorial also assumes a Swing project as the starting base. Another very narrow perspective. If the user has the intention to create a JavaFX only project, it would be a MAVEN or GRADLE project. Why not start there or have a separate tutorial for that kind of project.

To broaden the usefulness and effectiveness, create separate sections (or tutorials) for Linux/Mac with the appropriate visuals and references.

The tone of the tutorial seems to assume an experienced Java programmer, already familiar with NetBeans and how projects are arranged and constructed. Bad mistake. That is a very short sighted assumption.

On the good side, the step by step instruction through the menus is helpful, as is the visuals (see notes above). However, the project subject is overly simple and barely functional. In other places on your web site, the Address Book subject is used for instruction on other subjects. Let me suggest it is used more often, in that it has a broader functionality that would cover more potential questions than this one window, one function example. The need for more examples and/or code modules would be reduced significantly.

If you have questions or need more information, please feel free to contact me.

Ken Standard
(985) 208-4236

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