On Sun, Jan 8, 2023 at 7:25 AM Eric Bresie <ebre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 7, 2023 at 9:07 PM Will Hartung <willhart...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have  maven javafx project. Java 17, NB 15. It's also a modular
>> application with a module-info.
> Might want to consider updating to NB 16...I believe some of the
> functionality around some of this has improved a little bit.

I tried 16, and there was no change. I also tried simply closing the
project and reloading it.

>> I try to create a test for a class, and all I get is an empty class. It
>> has the JUnit imports, but no test methods. Just an empty class with an
>> empty constructor. None of the methods.\
> Did you use  File..."New Unit Test"?  In this case then each test has to
> be manually added as desired.

I was using the "Create Unit Test for Class" facility.

> Also, I can't seem to add any of my classes to the generated class. Auto
>> complete doesn't see any of the classes, and when I compile the test, it
>> also complains it can not find the classes.
> Have you tried any of the "hints" / "fixes" on the left gutter?
> This often times when hovered over will help with some basic fixes.

It simply says cannot find symbol.

> Maven projects tend to have additional "dependencies" listed in the
> Project explorer.  Dependencies can be added in this context or can be
> manually added in the pom.xml files
> Be mindful it's important to have a good build of the dependency classes;
> if there is some kind of problem compiling one of them (i.e. say a missing
> dependency), then usage of that generated class may not work until such
> time as it's been successfully built and available for use elsewhere.

The project (without the test) builds fine, the class I want the test for
is within the project.

>> Yet, I created a simple JavaFX project, added a test to that, and it
>> worked fine.
>> I took my pom.xml from my project, and replaced the one from the simple
>> project with it, and everything worked fine.
>> So, I don't know what else I could check to see why the testing does not
>> work for my project, but works for another with an identical pom file
>> (barring the project name).
> Is the new project also a Maven project or was it originally an "Ant"
> project?  Netbeans treats these slightly differently and the project
> explorer shows different things (i.e. in "ant projects" right clicking
> allows configuring "Properties...Libraries''; with "maven projects" project
> shows "Dependencies [including a "Test Dependencies]" to be leverage (right
> clicking on the "Dependencies" here allows "Add Dependencies" which
> reflects it here and will modify the pom.xml file at the same time).

It's a Maven project.

> Also, when trying to build, see if there are any clues in the Output pane
> that may help provide some additional guidance.

Is just a simple syntax error:
pkg/MyTest.java:[17,24] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   class MyProjectClass
  location: package pkg
1 error

Eric Bresie
> ebre...@gmail.com

Thank Eric!


WIll Hartung

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