I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended functionality.

If I want to create a simple Java SE application Gradle project I do the
Select New Project
Select Java with Gradle
Select *Java Application  *for a simple application
Click the Next button
Enter a project name
Click the Finish button

However, this creates a multi-project application with a single subproject
called *app*.  One has to change this default name to something meaningful
by hand. There is no refactoring support that I could find to rename the

This is equivalent to
*> gradle init --type java-application*

NB IDE 16 has a better way to create a multi-project with a single
subproject if that is what one wants: just select *Multi-Project Build*
instead of *Java Application* , which allows one to give one or more
subprojects and give them sensible names.

According to the Gradle 6.7 Release Notes, where this behaviour was first
released, if one wants to create a simple Java SE project in NB IDE 16
selecting Java Application should use the *basic *project type equivalent
*> gradle init --type basic*

Do you agree or am I missing something?

Gradle 6.7 introduced this behaviour. Documentation for the build init
plugin may be found at

The release notes may be found at
https://docs.gradle.org/6.7/release-notes.html.  The release notes say to
use project type *basic* if one does not need the complexity of a
multi-project build.


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