Toggling the "print maven output logging level" option did not help.
I created a small project with a warning but the problem did not occur.
Maybe it is because of multi pom project? Using only one thread in mvnd
does not solve the problem.
I will check again with NB17.


Alexander Kronenwett <> schrieb am Mi., 15. Feb.
2023, 21:14:

> Hello,
> I am building a multi pom maven project with mvnd. All the warnings in the
> output window are links and should lead to the respective file and line,
> where the warning originates. But also the module name and the '[WARN]'
> prefix are part of the link and hence NetBeans seems not to be able to open
> the file.
> I am unsure whether this can be tackled with a setting or I should open an
> issue. Happens with NB 16 and 17~rc3. Any thoughts?
> Best
> Alex

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